
He's Finally Here!

These last few months have been anything but easy. With a pregnancy complicated beyond complicated, and having spent nearly 5 weeks in the hospital without internet access - then time on complete bed rest at home due to threatened preterm labour - it was difficult for me to get into blogging. But it was all so, SO entirely worth it because HE'S HERE!!!

L was born on September 19th at 10:57am via c-section.  Weighing in at a whopping (all things considered!) 8lbs. and 11oz. and 20.5 inches he was not nearly as teeny-tiny as I thought he might be.  He was over a pound bigger than D when she was born!  Thankfully, he is healthy and lovely and wonderful.... And such a good baby.  We are thrilled.  D has been an awesome big sister, she loves having the baby at home with us and enjoys giving her new brother hugs and kisses, holding him and even helping to change diapers!  Ha!

We're feeling so blessed.  And now that we're all settled in at home - my sweet baby will be 1 month old tomorrow! - I have more time to get back to some of the things I enjoy doing... like baking cookies, and reading lots of books, and of course blogging.  I just paid for another year of Born2BeMom.com, so now I am committed.

Anyway.  Here's a pic of L in his car seat for the first time :)

 Thanks for stopping by! 

1 comment:

  1. Oh my gosh! Congratulations! I'm not sure if you remember me from idivine (tojo5) but I was pregnant with my now 1 year old daughter at the same time as you with the twins. I hadn't been on that site since early in 2011 so I lost your blog address. I've found it again! And I see that you've since had another baby! That's amazing! Okay this is really long lol. Congrats again.


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