
25 Weeks and Counting

It's been a long time since I've given a pregnancy update!  I'm pleased to be able to say that everything is going smoothly - at least now that I've finished work.  I had to give up my daycare quite early, because of cramping and contractions, so was not able to do any more heavy lifting (and that includes hauling toddlers around all day long!)  I've been taking a lot of time to just rest - which is what I know my body needs right now.  What's been great about that is the amount of time I've been able to spend 1 on 1 with D - we've enjoyed all kinds of neat activities already this spring and I hope the summer is just as fun.  It's rainy out today so on the agenda is baking brownies and some craft time together.  :)

I've had a few days where lack of baby's movement had me concerned. Some of you might remember my review of FetalAssure.ca - thank goodness for this amazing Canadian business - having a doppler came in incredibly handy at these times.  I've been in the habit of checking on the little one every couple of days just to be sure.  His last heart rate, on Monday, was 142 bpm - just chillin' out in there I guess! ; ) That's my boy!

Please do stop by and give Danielle at www.FetalAssure.ca some love - she's on Facebook - tell her I sent you!   


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