
Pocket Dots: Product Review

You know that awkward stage in pregnancy where your regular pants don't fit, but maternity pants are still a little too big?  That's sort of where I'm at.  Admittedly, I got big pretty fast.  I guess considering it hasn't yet been a year since I last was pregnant, it's not all that surprising.  Anyway, I outgrew my "non-mom-jeans" almost immediately, and my "mom-jeans" shortly thereafter.  Ack!  It's a good thing I work from home, because for a good while that left mostly yoga pants and sweats that actually fit.  That is until I was introduced to Pocket Dots ;)  See, I already know about belly bands - stretchy bands of fabric that sit around your waist, tuck in the belly and allow you to walk around in public with your pants undone and no one the wiser.  (Genius, right?!)  The problem is that if you're bending down to pick up your 2 year old a lot like I am, or going from standing to sitting a lot like when you're running errands and getting in and out of your car, the belly band tends to slip out of place exposing...Well, more than necessary.

Pocket Dots are these clever little clips that hold your belly band in place!  They clip to your belly band in the back, and then to the back pockets of your pants - they do not budge.  I was sent a pair of Nude Pocket Dots to review a few weeks ago.  I first tried them with a pair of my regular pants, and wore them out shopping.  It felt great not to have to tug at my pants all day!  No re-adjustments needed!  I think if the pocket dots are exposed, ie. if you have a shorter top on, they do look a little silly.  However, since I have such a long torso and I outgrow even maternity tops pretty quick (they just get too darned short!) I always wear longer tops which cover the back of my pants anyway.  Now that I'm primarily wearing maternity pants, I use pocket dots with a belly band just to hold up any of the 3-way maternity pants I have which have lost some of their stretch.  It's nice not to have to yank up my pants every 5 minutes - which, let's be honest - is really not a good look, pregnant or not!

Pocket Dots can be purchased for $6.95 online or in select retail stores.

Check out Pocket Dots for yourself at www.PocketDots.com  or on Facebook!


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