
FetalAssure.ca Fetal Doppler Rental: Special Review

Pregnancy is exciting, but for me it's equal parts nerve racking. After losing my twins late in pregnancy, I knew I wanted to have another baby - but I also knew that it would bring up all kinds of mixed emotions. I was definitely right. I've been feeling all kinds of things from excitement about the future, to fear that something may go wrong with my baby. Throughout my first 2 pregnancies with D and my twins, I always felt better after a visit to the doctor and hearing my little ones heart beats. It was wonderful to know that I had a little person in there, growing, developing and most importantly... living!  This time, of course, is no different - except the reassurance of life inside the womb is even more valuable to me. I am more on edge and as a result, I have been looking for ways to settle those feelings.

Thankfully, I was able to connect with Danielle Bouillon from FetalAssure.ca  After Danielle suffered her own late term loss, she knew it was time to do something to help other women with their natural fears and concerns throughout pregnancy. She started FetalAssure.ca and now is able to rent out and sell fetal dopplers to women across Canada.

More from the Fetal Assure website:

Fetal Assure doppler units are highly sensitive ultrasound devices that are used for detecting and monitoring fetal heartbeats, usually as early as 10-12 weeks gestation. These dopplers can be rented on a monthly basis, and are the same units used by doctors, midwives and obstetricians. The units are small, handheld and portable.

Fetal Assure Doppler units are perfect for the first-time mother-to-be, high risk pregnancies, or for anyone who desires constant reassurance, at their convenience. It is also a wonderful way to connect with your child before birth, and to allow other family members or friends to share this experience with you.

We advise all of our customers to use this product prudently with the consent and consultation of their physicians. All Doppler units rented or sold by Fetal Assure Doppler Rental are licensed with Health Canada’s Medical Devices Regulation Bureau.


Danielle has been wonderful to work with!  She's been very understanding and compassionate, and knew that I would be anxious to hear my little one's heartbeat.  She sent me a Fetal Doppler for use as soon as I was ready for it, and made sure to let me know not to be concerned if I didn't hear anything right away.  This made things much easier for me when, at 10.5 weeks, the doppler came and I was not yet able to get a heartbeat.  I was patient and I kept trying every couple of days.  The doppler is very simple to use, and Danielle sent enough gel to last for as long as I'll be needing it, along with an instructional CD that explains how to use the doppler safely and effectively.  Eventually, at nearly 12 weeks, and after a few minutes of looking I was able to hear my little bean's heartbeat faintly on the monitor.  (I hadn't even heard it at the doctor's office yet!)    It was such a special experience, and I loved the fact that my family was able to be there to hear it with me!  I am now 13 weeks along as of yesterday, and have been enjoying the early bonding experience and the extra reassurance so early in my pregnancy, knowing that my baby is doing just fine.  What's more?  I can sometimes hear when the little guy (still think I'm having a boy!) kicks and shuffles around in there, I can hear the placenta sounds, and I can listen whenever I feel the need to just.... Know.  :)  I am so thankful for this wonderful opportunity! 

I'd like to keep my readers (and Family & Friends) updated on the growth of my baby, so I'll be doing weekly posts with heart rates and a little bit about fetal development as the weeks go by.  Stay tuned for those!  If you are pregnant yourself, or thinking of having a baby in the near future, do yourself a favor and get familiar with www.FetalAssure.ca  Having the doppler has been a wonderful, invaluable resource for me and I know it would be for you too!

Doppler Rental Pricing

Monthly: $38.00/month CAD
(this is the month-by-month rate)
  • Two (2) months: $74.00 (save $2.00)
  • Three (3) months: $104.00 (save $10.00)
  • Four (4) months: $140.00 (save $12.00)
  • Five (5) months: $172.00 (save $18.00)
  • Six (6) months: $205.00 (save $23.00)
All prices listed DO NOT included shipping and 5% GST (Quebec residents add 7.5% HST)

** If you are interested in PURCHASING a doppler, please inquire with Fetal Assure directly at 1-866-523-6626 **

For more information, visit www.FetalAssure.ca or stay tuned with their Twitter and Facebook feeds.


Disclaimer: I was provided a Fetal Doppler for use from FetalAssure.ca I was not financially compensated for this review. All opinions expressed are my own.