
Weekend Fun Ahead

We're heading out shortly to pick up some things for camping this weekend (and for our road trip in late August) so I haven't got much time. Now that I'm finally physically recovered from the last couple of months, I'm always on the go and I love it! We'll be doing 2 nights in a tent as a trial run, to see how D manages and just to give her a taste for sleeping under the stars. I'm sure it will be an interesting experience, lol. Just wanted to join in the Friday Follow fun - if you're stopping by please leave a comment so I know to follow back!

Have a great weekend, everyone. :)

My Wee View



  1. I follow and would appreciate a follow back (and it gives you two entries to my Dyson giveaway)!! Have fun camping! Since moving to Alberta, I haven't gotten much in and I miss it!

  2. I love weekends because I can spend my weekends with my family. I love to spend time with my family members very much and that is why we enjoy all the time of weekends with each other and we enjoy that time a lot.
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  3. I'm your newest follower!
    Have a great weekend!

    Tanja (http://tanjascupcakes.blogspot.com)


I love comments! Thank you for stopping by - if you have a blog, leave the URL so I can return the favor. :)