
A Li'l Morning Chaos

My usual morning routine consists of getting up (obviously) then getting breakfast ready for D and for my husband before he heads out to work. Occasionally I eat, too... I know, breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Unfortunately I'm never hungry in the mornings and I'd much rather drink a disgustingly enormous cup of coffee. Today was no different - we had breakfast, and then DH zipped off to work. I proceeded to get some things ready for our camping trip this weekend, and then my phone rang. It was DH. He locked his keys in the car, and it's parked next to such and such strip mall and he left the radio on so could I please go and look after it?

.... Awesome.

Here's the thing. I don't drive. That's a story in and of itself, because I have this completely irrational fear of getting behind the wheel and I really, REALLY hate doing it. Also, it was getting close to D's nap time already (she usually goes to bed around noon and sleeps until 2:30ish. We have an odd schedule, but it works.) So, I begrudgingly got myself dressed, got D dressed, grabbed the spare car keys and the umbrella stroller with the too-short handles that I HATE using because I'm nearly 5ft. 8" and I hate being hunched over to push the thing - and we walked out the door. I went to the nearest bus stop to catch the 62. The bus didn't come....we'd been there for 15 minutes already and were running late. So, I called the phone number on the sign (which had #62 marked on it, clear as day) only to find that there was no bus coming. THE HECK!?!? I called my husband, who ironically enough drives a city bus for a living, and asked him why the transit gods had decided to slap me around a bit this morning? He let me know that the #62 runs down that street only about once per day. Someone explain to me what the point of that is? Argh... Anyway, I walked farther down the street with D, who at this point was telling me quite loudly that she was "all done" and "home, peeease" and we caught the next bus. D dislikes the bus about as much as I dislike driving, lol. She was flipping out. There was a gentleman sitting next to her, trying to calm her down and speaking to her softly, but she would have none of it! She screamed. I mean, she really, really screamed... "ALL DONE!!!" "MOMMYYY, DADDDDYYYY!!!" "OFFFF, PEEEEEASE!!!!"


Thank goodness it was only about a 6 minute ride. Thank goodness that most people on public transit have iPods these days. We made it - I got in the car, shut off the radio and finally DH met us and we all came home for lunch. Now, finally, D is sleeping.

In other news - I've been in touch with some sponsors and should have a Giveaway coming soon, so stay tuned! Also, for those of you interested in the outdoors, I'll be testing out some spankin' new camping equipment this weekend and posting reviews on those as well.

I hope all of you are having a great week, and a nice, quiet day. :)


1 comment:

  1. Following you right back.....terelauritsen.blogspot.com!


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