
Terrible Almost Twos

D is not quite 2 yet, but sometimes I'm certain that she thinks she is! We've been going through a lot of tantrums lately, and I don't know when she discovered how to raise her voice, but she's been doing a lot of it. Rarely do I hear a nice, quiet "juice please, Mommy." These days it's more like "juuuuuuuuuuuiiiccceeeee!!!!" (Usually she's right up in my face while screaming as well.)


I've been remaining calm, speaking to her quietly but firmly, reminding her to ask nicely and all of those other "by the book" techniques used to tame a wild toddler, lol. I'll be honest though, sometimes it's difficult not to lose my patience. Thankfully, I still get nap time every day for about 2 hours. She gets to sleep, and I get to unwind! I love nap time, dearly.

We spent the morning re-arranging some things in the house, hanging some new framed pictures and getting some laundry done. Well, actually that's what I spent the morning doing. D spent the morning begging for chocolate, and running around with crayons in her hands which she picked up from God knows where, trying to draw on non-paper related things! Now, she's finally asleep, so I get to chill out and enjoy the fact that it's Friday!


1 comment:

  1. My kids (now 4 and 6) both quit naps completely at the age of 2! Occasionally they fall asleep in the car, but then they'll be up till 11 at night! They are not big sleepers at all...

    I am often begging for chocolate and needing a nap so I can relate to your near 2 year old. lol...

    PS: I tried to follow four or five times earlier today, but now it worked instantly! Thanks for checking out my blog...


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