
Little Girls Dresses

How much do I hate my laptop, let me count the ways... The screen on this computer has been keeping me from writing for the last couple of days. I need to hold it with one hand at all times, because it would seem there's some trouble with the wiring or the hinges. Today, I've just decided that I'll use it as is and if I can't see anything until I'm done typing, then so be it! If anyone knows of any good laptop giveaways anywhere, please do me a favor and let me in on it!! We can't afford to buy one right now.

Yesterday, I went out shopping with my Mom, my Sister-In-Law "to be" and of course with D. My brother is getting married on August 14th, and D will be the flower girl. We finally got her dress! It's too cute for words.

D's sash will be Sage in color, rather than black. Unfortunately I have not got any pictures of her trying it on! We went to a small, privately owned boutique. The woman specializes in formal wear for children and her prices are unreal! We saw the same dress D will be wearing at a bridal store for $30 more than what we paid. I am looking forward to getting some gorgeous photos of her in the dress at the wedding. The ceremony will be outdoors at our family cottage, with the lake as a backdrop. It's going to be beautiful!

So that's my quick update for now. I am going to see if I can't set up my desktop computer somewhere, to avoid this hassle. It's too bad, because I really love the idea of blogging from my sofa. lol.



  1. Thanks for following my blog!! You hae such a great blog here, so cute. That dress is adorable, just gorgeous. I bet she looks so beautiful in it. Its funny, your signature at the end of your posts, looks exactly, same font, size, like the one I used to use!! Now I just use my initials! :) Hope to be great bloggy buddies! Oh and by the way, I am featuring your blog on my blog as, blog of the week! :) ::Kristin::

  2. Hi Kristin!

    Thanks for following Kelly's Lucky You. I love your new blog! Before I adopted Rosie, I asked someone close to me if they thought I would be a good mom. They said, "Are you kidding?! You were born to be a mom!" I was so touched, I think it's the ultimate compliment.

    That dress is ..... WOW! I can't wait to see pictures from the wedding.


  3. It is gorgeous dress and I am sure that whoever little princess wear this dress she will looks like gorgeous and most beautiful princess.
    mp3 player


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