
New School Plan for Waverley West #Winnipeg

Recently, it has become apparent that budget cuts will mean fewer schools in the new Waverley West area of Winnipeg, as plans for 6 schools have been cut down to just 4. This means students will have farther to go to get to school, and local elementary school Bonnycastle will expand to 1000 students. As a parent of a soon to be Kindergartner, this is concerning news. Our schools are already filled to the brim with bright little people wanting to learn, and are already short staffed.  What effects will this have on our children's education?  Their safety?  Here are some articles highlighting the issue:



What do you guys think about this?  How would you feel sending your Elementary aged child off to a school of 1000 other students?  Would you be concerned for their safety, or their quality of education?

Let's hear it!
