
Taking Potty Training Tips!

The big news around our house in the last few days has been my 15 month old's sudden interest in using the potty. I feel like we just finished this process with D, and now L is taking interest! It's certainly not something I planned on, but when I caught the little monster squatting on the bathroom floor peeing and/or pooping (on several occasions) before his bath, I figured it was time to get the little potty out. Much to my surprise, he peed the first time he sat on it! And then the next 4 times after that as well. I am super proud of him. :) I know he's still young, so the entire process is just beginning, but there's certainly no harm in continuing with it and seeing where it leads us. L tells me when he's pooped, and seems to know what he's doing when he sits on the potty, so those are good signs in my book.

With all of that being said, I've never potty trained a boy before! I'm sure the fundamentals are the same either way, but if you've got tips, I'd love to hear them. How old was your little one when you potty trained him or her?  Share your stories!


1 comment:

  1. Oh my goodness that will be me in about 6 to 9 months so I'll be bookmarking this post!


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