
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2 - DVD Giveaway

So how many of you are Harry Potter fans? I am an avid reader and have been through the series of books at least twice now - some of them even more times! I have to admit, I jumped on the HP bandwagon a little late in the game. Somewhere between book 4 and book 5 I think. Once I did, though, I was totally hooked! I remember zipping off to Target on the new book's release date, to pick up my copy first thing in the morning; Bumping into kids and adults alike who were walking and reading at the same time. It was kinda fun! I'm sort of a dork like that.

Since the books have all been released, the only thing "left" so to speak has been watching the Harry Potter films. And guess what? The final film - Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows - Part 2 is being released on DVD TODAY! I've got a great giveaway for the Harry Potter Fan (Pot...head? Is there a name for these kids? lol) in your life. All you've gotta do is follow my entry requirements below, and you could win a
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2 DVD of your very own. Cool beans!

1.  Comment with who your favorite Harry Potter character is and why.

BONUS ENTRIES (1x Comment Each)
2. Like Born 2 Be Mom on Facebook
3. Follow Born 2 Be Mom on Google Friend Connect
4. Follow @ Born 2 Be Mom on Twitter and tweet this giveaway.:

Acacio!  Enter to win Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2 on DVD @Born2BeMom http://www.born2bemom.com/2011/11/harry-potter-and-deathly-hallows-part-2.html

5. Do the Trivia Quiz on the widget below! What was your score?

**Contest open to residents of the US & Canada, closes November 30th, '11**

Good Luck!



  1. My favorite character has always been Snape. I always liked how he had that air of mystery around him and throughout the series you never knew if he was good or bad. I think he has one of the most intense journeys through the series out of everyone. I think his journey showed at the end of Deathly Hallows is one of the greatest moments in the entire series and shows you where his allegiance always lied.

  2. My favorite character has always been Hermione because she always has a way to solve the problems they encounter and she is the voice of reason.

  3. Like you on FB
    Chelsei Ryan

  4. I got a 4/5 on the Beginner Quiz

  5. I love ron and his loyalty to his friends!
    ykatrina at hotmail dot com

  6. I am in love with Dobby ! The elf played such a large part with Harry and provided comical relief in the most harrowing conditions!

    untaintedbeauty AT gmail DOT com

  7. follow via GFC:

    untaintedbeauty AT gmail DOT com

  8. followed you on twitter ! and tweeted: https://twitter.com/#!/wishfulsearch/status/138059473871839232

    untaintedbeauty AT gmail DOT com

  9. I got 4 out 5 in the advanced level!

    untaintedbeauty AT gmail DOT com

  10. I like Harry the most. He goes through so much and is always so brave.

    ceeenndee at gmail dot com

  11. GFC-Christine Davis

    ceeenndee at gmail dot com


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