
Syncrohearts: The Love Game (Review)

Happy Valentines Day! I don't know about you, but something about February always makes me smile. Part of it has to do with Valentines Day and celebrating those I love most. Part of it, there's no question, has to do with the fact that Spring is just around the corner! At least to me it is, even though I suppose that's debatable in this part of Canada. ;) Regardless, February is the perfect time of year to take time out of your busy schedule to spend with your significant other.

With a munchkin of my own, a house full of toddlers during the week, and his shift work schedule my husband and I rarely find the time to just sit and talk! It's not always easy to stay in tune with each others needs. Thankfully, there's a game called Syncrohearts that really makes it easy! Here's what the Syncrohearts website has to say about the game:

Are you ready to ENHANCE your relationship?

It is time to focus on what is really important in our lives; our relationships. Playing the "love game" makes it fun and easy to enhance your relationship!

We all deserve more love, happiness and harmony in our relationships. Syncrohearts is a very unique relationship game that guarantees more fun, love and romance for you and your partner. It is not just another "sex game", it is a "love game" that will spice up your love life naturally. Syncrohearts was created with the intention of "enhancing relationships" through better communication, more intimacy and more "play time" together.

Who doesn't need that, right?!  Syncrohearts was designed to take only an hour or less to play, so squeezing in the opportunity to spend some time with your husband or wife should not be overly difficult.  I was sent a Syncrohearts game to review, and really enjoyed the thought put into each aspect of it.  There are 4 different types of cards which can be drawn in the game: 4-Fun, Couple, Insights, and Hot Stuff.  Each card requires something different, whether it be an action, a commitment for future time spent together, or some kind of sharing. 

SAMPLE CARD: Our schedules can become so busy that we leave little time for enjoying each other. For the next 30 days see how many times you can change your schedules to allow for more time together. This just might mean calling in "sick", changing appointments, or sending away the kids!

SAMPLE CARD: Describe your partner in 7 words or less. Choose your words carefully or the next words you might be saying are "I am really sorry dear - I felt rushed - you know me I can't think under pressure"!

I think my favorite part about the game is that it brings up questions and topics that a couple might never have thought to ask one another before, and it really gives you the opportunity to learn what the other person feels about who you are.  This game is ideal for the newlywed couple, or the couple who have been together for years, have kids, lead busy lives and are too busy to really sit down and find the time to talk about stuff.  (Sound familiar, anyone?  Thought so!)  It would make a lovely gift for Valentines, or any time of year.  Syncrohearts is a simple way to enhance and strengthen your relationship with your significant other, and it's fun to boot!   

Syncrohearts is available for $39.95  at www.syncrohearts.com

** Partial proceeds from the sales of SYNCROHEARTS are also donated to the Zajac Ranch. This beautiful ranch is set on the shores of Stave Lake, just north of Mission, British Columbia.  The ranch is designed to improve the children's confidence, self-esteem and quality of life. The objective is simply to "Raise the Spirits" of children with special needs and life-threatening illnesses. **

Happy Valentines Day, everyone!



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