
Playful Planet: Storyland Yoga DVD Review

Over here in 'Peg city it can get pretty chilly come winter time.  (And by "pretty chilly" I mean -40 with the windchill... Ack!!)  So making sure your munchkins are getting enough time outdoors, or enough physical activity, especially before they are school-aged can be tough.  I often find D has energy to burn, and no where to go.... She's a big fan of running around our Daycare area downstairs, which is fine, but I'll be darned if the Mommy guilt doesn't kick in now and then!  The poor kid gets bored!

When I heard about Playful Planet and their Storyland Yoga DVD for young children, I was pretty stoked to check it out.  I watched a short video on their website, and I knew immediately that D would absolutely fall in love with it.  This kid is far more limber and coordinated than I ever was!  Here's what the Playful Planet website has to say about Storyland Yoga:

Storyland Yoga (Award-winning Kid's Yoga DVD) is a playful kid’s yoga DVD that engages children’s imaginations through storytelling. Certified Children’s Yoga Instructor Ahmed Fahmy takes little yogis on two fun-filled adventures, Save the Whale and Condor Trek, in which they learn yoga poses by imitating animals and gain interest in the planet by helping endangered species.
A wonderful way for families to enjoy “organic” time together, the video connects kids and nature while providing them with the benefits of yoga: health, clarity, and calmness. Get ready to play – the planet-friendly way!

D and I tried out the DVD one evening when my husband ran out to get a pizza for dinner.  We cleared a space in our living room and I let D pick which story she wanted first.  She decided upon Condor Trek (thanks to Diego she has a thing for condors, lol!)  I did each yoga move along with her, showed her how to hold her legs and arms and she picked up on it beautifully... She loved it!  When the first story was done, D wanted to do the second one.  I loved that she was getting so into it, and to be honest, I was enjoying myself as well!  Doing yoga with D at the end of the day was a nice way to spend time together, get a little bit of physical activity in while indoors, and just to relax.  Now, I plan to make this a part of our routine together, and maybe incorporate it in during daycare hours too.  The Storyland Yoga DVD is geared towards children aged 3+, but D is 29 months and I found that with some encouragement she picked up on everything pretty quickly!  She did everything she could to the best of her ability.

I'd 100% recommend this DVD to anyone with young children.  The stories are imaginative and believable, it's not too "quick" to follow along with, and the kids love it. :)  Oh, and hey, I kinda loved it too!  As someone with minimal experience doing yoga of any kind, I can tell you that I certainly felt great after doing the stretches along with D.  

You can buy your own Storyland Yoga DVD for $14.99 at Amazon
And stay current with up and coming events and products on their blog at Playful Planet Blog   


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1 comment:

  1. Nice DVD through which children remain fit as well as enjoying a lot. It is the great creative idea for children to understand them the importance of fitness in today's life.


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