
All NEW Born 2 Be Mom, coming soon...

I mentioned in one of my previous posts about needing a blog makeover, badly. I've been feeling a little uninspired lately - this whole thing is too "cutesy" for me. Thankfully, I've done a bit of research and come up with a look that I think will suit me, and my life much better. I'll be having my new custom design installed mid-February and I can not wait!

In the meantime, I've set up a few cool reviews and am looking forward to checking out these new products -

PetCakes Toys
Nourish Spring Water for Toddlers
Born Free
Bling Jewels

And I've been working on something special for February!  I'll be participating in the Handmade With Love giveaway hop, hosted by Simply Stacie.  I've already got a few items ready to go, but am still seeking sponsors for this event.  If you are interested in sponsoring a Giveaway of one of your handmade items, please contact me at born2bemom@gmail.com

Have a wonderful New Year, everyone!  I'm looking forward to reviving my blog, and making many new friends in 2011.   


1 comment:

I love comments! Thank you for stopping by - if you have a blog, leave the URL so I can return the favor. :)