
Then Sings My Soul - Book Review

With Christmas just around the corner, I often get to thinking about our family traditions while I was growing up.  Each Christmas Eve we would go to church for the candle light service, and listen to the choir sing the same hymns as the year before.  It was comforting to know that no matter what had happened over the course of the year - Christmas Eve would always remain the same.  I imagine that many people in history, and today, can relate to this on all of the Christian holidays.  Then Sings My Soul is a collection of 150 hymns, stories about them, where they originated and what they're really all about.   

Then Sings My Soul - Special Edition - by Robert J. Morgan
Stories of the most favorite and beloved seasonal hymns of faith.
Don't look for a dry recounting of boring historical fact, the devotional-style stories in Then Sings My Soul show the emotion and drama behind the hymns of faith that have changed many lives throughout history. Designed to be personally reflective, these stories speak to the soul and add depth to a meaningful worship time with God through song.  Recounted are stories of the people whose faith led them to write these wonderful seasonal hymns and the people whose faith was affected by reading, hearing, and singing the songs.

 My Review
I've always had an interest in music of all varieties - from punk to rap to country and everything in between - I'll listen to it and find something to love about it.  What makes a song excellent, for me at least, is the lyrics.  If the melody is there but the lyrics are uninteresting, I usually can not be sold on it.  What this book does, is give the story behind the lyrics of many beautiful, well known hymns.  I was not sure what to expect, but when I cracked the book open I found myself turning the pages wanting to find out more.  It's lovely to have the ability to look up your favorite Christmas carols, or hymns from your childhood and find out more about the song, about the person who wrote the song, or just a story that will really make you reflect upon your own faith or life itself.  This book would make a wonderful gift for anyone who treasures Christian music, faithful church goers who love the power of prayer and song. 
*A copy of Then Sings My Soul was given to me via the Booksneeze blogger program, for review purposes.  All opinions expressed in this review are my own.*


1 comment:

  1. This definetly looks interesting. I'm not much into books, but this one I might have to buy.
    I love the title, it reminds me of my favorite hymn, How Great Thow Art.


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