
Potty Training 101

We recently received 8 pairs of cloth training pants from CSN Stores to review (coming soon!) As D recently turned 2, we've decided it's as good a time as any to give potty training a real shot. She has been showing signs of being ready such as telling me immediately after she's soiled her diaper, asking to sit on the potty and waking up dry after long naps.

We've done a lot of potty trials in the past, but have not really pushed the issue as D did not seem to fully understand it yet. This weekend, we've been trying to properly train for the first time - and so far it's going pretty well! She's wet her pants only once, and gone on the potty 3 times. She'll often come and tell me her pants are dry, which is great! A few times I did have to put a diaper on her, because we've been out shopping and visiting relatives. It's a work in progress - I can see it's going to be a longer process than expected, but D has been handling the change with enthusiasm which tells me that we're on the right path.

I've been giving rewards - new story books, stickers, etc. when D makes some good progress and pees on the potty. We're trying to make it fun, and be encouraging about the whole thing without making it seem like a "chore" or like something she "has" to do. What tips or suggestions have you got for potty training???



  1. keep doing what your doing..stay consistant and have patience..it is a long process..
    BE overly excited when she does something good!! Kids love praise!
    good luck!

  2. I remember those days. We finally got my youngest (who is now 16 and would be embarrassed if he knew I was telling this) to do #2 in the pot with a promise of a Poo Party! Who would have thought....it Worked!! Sooooo.....we had to have a poo party and invite his little friends. We had chocolate cake and tootsie rolls. I know, I know....but whatever works. LOL

    I am your newest follower just relaxing and surfing on this beautiful Sunday.

    I hope you are having an excellent day!


  3. I am also to wear diaper to my baby when she was very small because even if I was giving her training for potty but some of the times she does potty in the pant specially when we was going outside. I think that had happened becasue she shy to tell me regarding potty at relatives home becasue after I was giving training of potty, very less she does potty in the pant at home.

  4. A few times I did have to put a diaper on her, because we've been out shopping and visiting relatives. These blog is good to know about it.


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