
Giving Thanks

With Thanksgiving nearly here and it being the long weekend (well, almost!) I thought it appropriate to share the things I've been thankful for this past year. As we all know, even when life gets extremely difficult, there are always reasons to be thankful for what you have.

1. I am thankful for my daughter who lights up my life, every single day and unknowingly gives me a reason to stay strong and remain a positive person.
2. I'm thankful to have a husband who supports me in my endeavors, loves unconditionally and works hard to keep our family afloat.
3. I am thankful to have an opportunity to live in the neighborhood where I grew up, close to family and so many wonderful friends.
4. I'm thankful that I've come to understand who my true friends are over the years, and for their ongoing love and kindness and for the joy they bring into my life.
5. I'm thankful for the opportunity to do what I love - to have a job that, a lot of the time, doesn't feel like one.

Happy Thanksgiving Weekend to those of you in Canada! Tell me.... What are you thankful for?


Blog Hoppin'

My Wee View


  1. I'm thankful for my family.

    I'm following you back. :)

    Jessi's Bubble

  2. I am thankful for m&m's. :)

    I'm a new follower! :) Happy Friday.


  3. Hi Kristin! Thanks so much for stopping by to see me today. You have a lovely blog here. Have a wonderful weekend!


  4. I hopped over from the Friendly Friday Follow and added you on GFC. Please consider following me back at my new blog, which will qualify you to enter my $25 Amazon Giftcard giveaway!


  5. Hope you have a happy Thanksgiving! We still have some time..

    Thanks for the follow. Following you back!


  6. I am thankful for chocolate! :)
    You blog designs is very cute! I love the header! I live in the US so it isn't quiet thanksgiving here but happy thanksgiving to you!

  7. Happy Thanksgiving! Thanks for stopping by, I am a new follower.

  8. Thanks so much for coming to visit me -- returning the follow! Your little girl is so, so sweet ... :)


  9. I am Thankful for new friends!! Happy Thanksgiving to ya!

  10. I love your blog! Thanks for stopping by and finding me! Your daughter is adorable! I am following now... can't wait to see more post! Hope you had a Happy Thanksgiving! ( :


  11. Hi, I'm following you back. I'm hosting Totally Tuesday Blog Hop. Stop by if you would like to link up today.

    Blogging Hints
    Work at Home Helper

  12. aww, that's nice. i need to think of the things i'm thankful for, b/c today was a rough day! and i think tomorrow will be, too!

    glad you came over and entered the giveaway! what a fantastic gift...what was the book that you father got autographed for you?

  13. Hi Kristin! Thanks for stopping by and following my blog! I appreciate it. I am now following you back!


I love comments! Thank you for stopping by - if you have a blog, leave the URL so I can return the favor. :)