
@LittleTikes Big Digger Sandbox: Fun For All Ages! #Review

A number of things have been going on in the B2BMom house this Spring. The kids have been growing and reaching milestones faster than I can even put into words. Our van unfortunately was written off a few weeks ago (thankfully everyone is OK) so we were able to go out and buy a new one. A Toyota Sienna for the record -- LOVE it! And my husband was finally able to build us a backyard fence. With the fence comes the opportunity for a safe, clean play area for the kids and private recreational space for the entire family. It has been AWESOME so far! One of the things I've been wanting to get for D and for my daycare munchkins is a sandbox. In my opinion, when there are young kids around no backyard is complete without one! So when I was given the opportunity to review a Little Tikes Big Digger Sandbox I was, for lack of better words, totally jacked!!!! When it was dropped at our door, the kids went NUTS. My daycare kids were on their way out the door and heading home - they begged their parents to stay longer. Ha! We took the box straight out to the yard and set up the new toy.  

Awesome Features:
- It has a Lid which then becomes part of the toy itself, as it attaches to the side of the sandbox and becomes a "road."
- Corner storage for shovel and rake (or as the kids discovered, small sippy cups. lol!)
- FUN accessories included! A dump truck, two little construction workers, a shovel and rake set, and a couple of scooping cups all come with the box itself.
- Attached working "Excavator" was a huge hit with the kiddos and is a cool novelty factor which most sandboxes don't have.  

Here are a couple pics of D enjoying the sandbox - clearly very focused on the task at hand!  We had to improvise with water the first day as we didn't have sand yet, but she enjoyed it just as much!  

My Take:
There are a few things I really like about this particular sandbox. First of all, I like the size of it. It's small enough that with a little effort you can move it from place to place and save your grass. It also makes cutting the grass that much easier. Not a bad thing! I like that it comes with a lid, making it easy to keep clean and so neighborhood critters can't get in. I thought the number of toys that came with it were great. There are enough extras for each of my kids to play with something, and for one kid (like D for example) to have an absolute blast all alone, too. I sat with D for at least half an hour the other day while she played by herself, and watched as she came up with story lines for the little "guys" and had a great time pushing around the dump truck. Oh, and while we're at it, I should mention that my 9 month old particularly enjoys the dump truck also! (How does my 9 month old son already know how to push around a dump truck?! Wish I could tell you, but my best guess is that he was born knowing because we didn't teach him that, lol!) The sandbox is labelled aged 3+ but with close supervision I think it's great for all ages. I've had all of my daycare kids, aged 1 to 4 years playing with it and they have all played differently but enjoyed it equally.

The Little Tikes Big Digger Sandbox retails for $49.99 - A great price for a very versatile, nicely sized sandbox.
